When i was young, I would get excited at every passing baby,toddler, kid ,exclaiming at how cute and adorable they are. And then, I would be labelled as someone who loves kids so much that she would want to give birth to 10 kids, enough to form a football team. If not, a 5 person basketball team.
But as I grew older, kids have gradually lose their appeal to me. Yes, they are still cute, but sometimes, they just don't know how to behave appropriately. It's definitely not their shortcoming, they just need to be taught. And afterall, kids are still kids, they are not equipped with the self-control that adults posses. Time for self reflection,do we actually? I was at the miniature museum yesterday, there was suddenly this flock of kids running about and shouting along the way, excited about getting their books stamped, rushing and competing against each other to complete the assignment that were issued to them, and it happened that it was their excursion. The teachers were busy admiring the intricate art pieces, and seemed to have not paid attention to the loud commotion created by the estactic kids. I was irritated. I mean, it's perfectly fine, in fact very good that the kids are brought to the musuem for their excursion trip, but do the teachers realise that this is a museum, and it's only common sense and basic courtesy that noises should be kept at the minimal? And what purpose does it serve if the kids are only required to run about to get their books stamped as their assignment? Wouldn't it make more sense to have someone explain to them the meaning behind the art pieces and also, the workings of the musuem?
And kids these days scare me. I actually heard this little girl, about 9 or 10, mentioned something about the rich guy being the bad guy, and that the poor guy is trying to dig an underground tunnel to steal the former's money. And i thought of classes, castes, Marxism. Wow. Another girl was explaining the design of a room to her teacher. Something about the girl is living with her boyfriend.......
I believe that how our kids turn out to be, their behaviour and thoughts, bounds down to how parents teach them, and not to forget, society at large. And that's why the idea of having kids scares me. To think that I wanted, and still( if nothing goes wrong, and I don't change my mind) want at least 3 kids in the future. It's really not easy.