" Im gonna prove that I have a better sense of direction than Danny!" I was the one who led us most of the time. Haha.

Getting all excited admist FYP shit

I love your dimples :)

Some ulu road along the outskirts of NUS. A good place for some floral and fauna.

This is what we all need.

Walking the windy road with you :)

Hui, this is specially for you :)
wad a loving post. and omg.. did u travel all the ulu roads and mountains in a day? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
issit like from 3am til the next day 3am? HAHA!!!
but so sweet la!!! my fatfat will nvr do so with me. sob
hahaah no we did it in 5 hours haha cousidered slow already. YOu should try it someday too! but maybe not the whole course if yap don't like to walk! :)
Wish you all the love and happiness! =D
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